Laut Salon war zum täglichen Presse-Briefing im Weißen Haus am vergangenen Montag zum ersten Mal ein Blogger zugelassen:

Garrett M. Graff, 23, writes Fishbowl D.C., a Web log about the news media in Washington. He decided to see if he could get a daily pass for a briefing after a recent controversy raised questions about White House access and who is a legitimate reporter.

Graff said he got his pass after a week of asking. “The briefing room ought to be an inclusive place,” White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. Historically, he said, the White House has admitted “the traditional media and the nontraditional media, as well as colorful individuals with certain points of view from the left and the right.”

The White House credentialing process came under scrutiny after a flap over James Guckert, who used the alias Jeff Gannon. For two years he was granted daily passes to White House briefings as Washington bureau chief for Talon News, a conservative online news outlet associated with another Web site, GOPUSA. At a news conference last month, he asked Bush how he could work on Social Security and other domestic initiatives with Democrats “who seem to have divorced themselves from reality.”

That attracted scrutiny from liberal bloggers, who linked Guckert with Web sites containing gay pornography. Guckert resigned from Talon News.

Hachja, wenn man jetzt bloß eine anständig entwickelte politische Blogosphäre in Deutschland hätte, dann könnten bald Blogger auf der Bundespressekonferenz sitzen. Wer also schnell ein schmerzlich vermisstes Politblog aufmachen will anstatt darüber zu quengeln, dass es keins gibt ? jetzt oder nie.