Rappers and bloggers ? separated at birth!
Aus Slate:
Rap music and blogging are populist, low-cost-of-entry communication forms that reward self-obsessed types who love writing in first person. Maybe that’s why both won so many converts so quickly. If you want to become MC I’m Good at Rapping, all you have to do is rustle up a microphone and a sampler. If you want to blog as AngryVeganCatholicGOPMom, bring a computer, an Internet connection, a working knowledge of Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V, and a whole lot of spare time.
But rappers’ and bloggers’ self-importance also has something to do with the supremely annoying righteousness that rides along with those who believe they’re overturned the archaic forms of expression favored by The Man?that is, whitey and/or the mainstream media. Ninety percent of rap lyrics are self-congratulatory rhymes about how great the rapper is at rapping, the towering difficulties of succeeding in the rap game, or the lameness of wanksta rivals. Blogging is a circle jerk that never stops circling: links to posts by other bloggers, following links to newspaper stories about bloggers, following wonderment at the corruptions and complacency of old-fashioned, credentialed journalism.
Mag sein. Aber Spaß macht beides dann auch, gell?
(Link via convers.antville)
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24.2.2005 | 23:13 von DonAlphonso Kategorie: Blogs Der Artikel über Blogger als Rapper hatte übrigens seinen Sinn in de […]
Ja, ich kann nur bestätigen, daß beides Spaß wenn nicht sogar Freude macht, da ich mich auf beiden Gebieten betätige.